In the News

Harmon receives 2022 Distinguished Service Award

Harmon award 2022Melanie Harmon, vice president for advancement at Manchester University, was named CASE V’s 2022 Michael Ziemianski Distinguished Service Award recipient at the District V Conference.

The annual award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) recognizes advancement professionals who have given outstanding service to District V.

Harmon has been a CASE volunteer for more than 20 years, working to bring regional programming and networking to advancement professionals across Indiana, as well as serving as program chair, operations chair and conference chair for previous CASE V conferences. She served on the CASE V District Board of Directors for 10 years and on the CASE National Board of Trustees from 2017 to 2019.

CASE is a global nonprofit association dedicated to educational advancement professionals—in alumni relations, communications, development, marketing and advancement services—who share the goal of championing education to transform lives and society.

For the media

Melanie Harmon can be reached at

Manchester University, in North Manchester and Fort Wayne, Ind., provides vibrant and transformative student experiences. Learn more.

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Manchester University respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.

December 2022