Arthur L. Gilbert College of Business

College of Business Club - Constitution 

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Manchester University 
College of Business Club Constitution

根据十大网赌正规网址的多样性声明, 商学院俱乐部不会基于国籍或种族出身等因素进行歧视, race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or veteran status.

Article I: Purpose



Section III. 提供接触商业专业(包括但不限于体育管理)的机会, sales, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, business management, and accounting) through presentations from guest speakers, both inside and outside the classroom.

Section IV. 为学生提供一个社交组织,让他们与同龄人、潜在的商业伙伴和雇主发展关系.

Section V. 作为课堂经验和行业机会之间的桥梁.

Article II:Executive Cabinet

第一节:俱乐部职员由会长组成, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 这些官员将统称为行政内阁.  行政内阁也将担任提名委员会.

Section II: The President shall organize meetings, call all meetings to order as presiding officer, chair the meetings of the Executive Cabinet, and perform all other duties incidental to her or his office.

Section III: The Vice President shall attend all meetings, 在主席缺席和(或)出缺时行使主席的职能, 并在受命时协助总统履行其职责.

Section IV: The Secretary shall attend all meetings, record the minutes of all meetings, provide minutes to the Executive Cabinet when needed, 通知老会员和准会员会议时间和地点, 处理与俱乐部日常事务有关的其他信件.

Section V: The Treasurer shall attend all meetings, manage the funds of the club, pay debts from the club treasury when due, 监督俱乐部任何商业活动的盈利能力并建立控制措施, 并向行政内阁建议应向会员收取的会费.  她或他应保留所有交易的充分记录,并应在被要求时报告俱乐部的财务状况.

第六部分:执行内阁应与指导教师合作,为俱乐部成员开发领导机会,并制定创建程序, staffing, and evaluating standing committees, ad hoc committees, and other positions.


第八节:除了总统委员会规定的职责之外, 主席和副主席应出席所有会议,并定期向行政内阁报告主席会议的有关情况.

Article III: Committees

Section I: In consultation with the faculty advisor, the Executive Cabinet shall appoint such standing and ad hoc 委员会认为有必要进行俱乐部的业务.

Article IV: Advisor

第一节:指导教师应为商学院教职员工,由学院院长任命. 在人员需要时,顾问会被要求提供意见,并可在必要时向人员提供意见.

Article V: Membership



Article VI: Elections and Appointments

第一节:提名委员会应负责在秋季选举前的春季学期为每个当选职位制定潜在候选人名单, 它可以接受任何CBC成员或任何商学院教员的提名.

第二节:提名委员会应与所有被提名的候选人面谈并确定, in consultation with the faculty advisor, the final slate of candidates for each elected office.



Section V: There shall be separate elections for each position, 获胜者将是在各自选举中获得最多选票的候选人.  All members present for the election are eligible to vote.

第六节:所有行政内阁职位的任期应为历年. 内阁成员必须能够完成整个任期,并且只能担任一届.

Article VII: Meetings



Article VIII: Amendments


第二节:提出的修正案应至少在举行表决的会议前一周分发给各成员.  修正案经出席会议的正式会员的三分之二(2/3)批准后生效.

第三条:经俱乐部批准对本章程的任何修改或其他变更, 所有更改都应提交给曼彻斯特学院学生议会.


Approved: March 8, 2016